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When is the Vietnamese New Year

In Vietnam, New Year is one of the most important holidays of the year. They celebrate the so-called Tết Nguyễn Đán, which can be translated to the festival of the morning of the first day. Tết, as it is abbreviated, is a celebration of the arrival of spring.

The New Year is usually in January or February and is celebrated for 10-14 days. This year the festivities start: 2023 – on January 22nd.

Get ready now

When the Vietnamese celebrate New Year, they do it with style. Those who work far from the family travel home and stay there for many days.

This means that most industry is closed during this period. Therefore, you should prepare for longer delivery times and longer response times from your Vietnamese business contacts.

You should already now mark the date in your calendar to be prepared.

In addition, you can inform your customers about the new year in Vietnam and replenish your stock if needed.

What now?

You are ready for the Vietnamese Tết and will hopefully avoid unnecessary problems.

Are you interested in Vietnam as a production country? Read this article about the challenges of outsourcing to Vietnam.